The design and production of the snow pushing shovel mainly for caused by climate change in the north and the South heavy snow, often appear vehicles trapped on the road, can not run phenomenon.
The design of the plastic snow scoops is to use simple device, the first time, at the least cost to solve the problem. To make the vehicle even in the snow road can still SMOOTH OPERATOR purpose. After all the existing basic structure and clear snow snow shovel were studied and compared, a collection of design of large snow front shovel and spade's advantage, and use their ideas and empirical formula, according to the actual situation we are in, the structure design and strength of the shovel surface. Using the slider crank mechanism is the simplest realization contraction exercise we need to drive the push snow shovels. Above is the major snow pushing shovel manufacturers to introduce the design goal of the snow pushing shovel and knowledge, and they hope to help the vast number of consumers in the use process.