
An indispensable part of life-Snow brush

   Snow brush unsung work in our lives to see if the cleaners, they never ask, just to beautify the sanitary conditions of the city. Here is how to introduce snow brush plastic ice scraper for the city to contribute.
Snow brush snow and its main function is to use centrifugal force to form a rotating brush and brush angle of inclination, the floating snow shovels side road to avoid floating compacted snow, frozen, fast Kiyoshi, ease urban traffic, airport runways and highways and other places.
Prior to rapid snow brush snow, heavy use of deicing salt is used. The high cost of organic deicing salt, inorganic salts, deicing deicing salt primarily chlorine, such deicing salt on roads, bridges and other infrastructure have some corrosion, but also cause some damage to the trees. Snow brush it with wear, no damage to the road and the snow brush with ice scraper is good, can not break a long snow at ultra-low temperature climatic conditions, resistance to bending elasticity and so on.

